High Speed Mixer

High Speed Mixer

High Shear Mixer

High Shear Mixer


High-capacity mixer models for large batch production in the pharmaceutical industry or mixing of other industrial raw materials.
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  • High Speed Mixer

PTK'S high performance production mixers for the fast and efficient mixing of pharmaceutical dry powder…


With an ergonomic design, compact size, good performance and all the required functions, the PTK…

PM-C Series

The PTK high speed mixer model, PM-C Series is the best fit for laboratory use,…

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  • Optional Items(For High Speed Mixer)
Vacuum Conveyor

The Vacuum conveyor utilizes vacuum pressure to delicately pick up materials for transfer. This process…

Vessel Lamp

Vessel Lamp is an option for PTK high speed mixer. The vessel cover has an…

Double Jacket

Double Jacket is an option for PTK high speed mixer. The vessel is double-jacketed. Water…

WIP Rack & Nozzle

WIP Rack & Nozzle is an option for PTK high speed mixer. High pressure water…

Binder Spray System

An option for PTK high speed mixer, the liquid binder is contained separately in its…